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Strength Leader Blog

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  What is “leading with love?” And how do you lead people you may not even like? There’s an old saying that says: “Love is a verb, and a verb shows action.” While you may not normally associate strong leadership with love, Joel Manby found this concept was a turning point in his influence as […]

Leading with Love

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  One often-overlooked and understated role of a leader is gauging and protecting the energy and well-being of the team. The fact is, as a leader, you rely on your team’s energy and overall well-being. Their energy is the driving force for achieving goals and moving objectives forward. No energy, no forward movement. Hard skills […]

The Overlooked Role of a Leader


  “I am confident this approach will work, based on experience, but before we decide on our plan of action, I want to know your thoughts. Each of you sees the issue from a unique perspective, so let’s discuss. I want to hear your ideas and concerns. You may be seeing things I don’t see, […]

Hallmark of Leadership: The Balance of Confidence and Humility


  We live in a world where everyday people and leaders at all levels have a chance to make a difference. The need and opportunity have never been greater for leaders to step up to the plate and bring resolution, innovation, inspiration, and stabilization. In a recent podcast, John Maxwell made a distinction between people […]

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