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Strength Leader Blog

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Being an effective leader is very much about maintaining strong relationships. In previous articles in this mini-series, we have discussed three key relationships for leaders. Your relationship to yourself. Your relationship to your team. Your relationship to your clients and customers. In this article, we will discuss your relationship to your environment. When assessing strengths, […]

Your Best Leadership Environment

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On the second Monday of December, in small businesses across the country, some variation of this conversation tends to occur. Leader to Team: “I am excited! I finished my planning this weekend. I’d like to launch this new program on January 1. We have three weeks, which I know is more than enough time. And […]

Do You Have a 13-week Plan?


While it remains to be seen what history books will reflect on when it comes to the decade of the 2020s, one thing is certain. It will be earmarked by one word: CHANGE. Since 2020, there has been a constant state of change that escalates now on a daily basis. Business owners and leaders have […]

Five Pivot Points for Leaders


In times of challenge, it becomes even more important that each person bring their best strengths to the table. And, as headlines will attest, these are times of challenge. How Can a Strengths-Based Team Help You? Here is an example. The CEO sighed and delivered the news to his team. The reports were in. Sales […]

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