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It is that time of year, the time when most company leaders face the annually dreaded challenge of employee performance reviews. It is actually a shared dread, as employees look forward to the process even less than their leaders do. According to Gallup, “only 14% of employees strongly agree their performance reviews inspire them […]
Numerous studies have cited the health benefits of strong relationships. In one study of 309,000 people, it was determined that “lack of strong relationships increased the risk of premature death from all causes by 50%.” Where the focus is normally on healthy physical habits, diet, and exercise, this study underscores the even greater need […]
Complementary. It is an interesting word that encompasses the idea of combining different elements into one complete, cohesive, and comprehensive package. In music, it is discordant sounds played together in such a way as to create harmony. In science, it is elements combined to create a unique and distinct new element. And in the […]
In yesterday’s workplace, you put in your time, did what you were told, and learned not to ask questions. Today’s workplace is a different world. You are expected to ask questions and provide input, to respectfully challenge old concepts and offer new ideas. It is a culture of collaboration, with leadership expected at all […]
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