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Communications were, at best, unclear. Often, they were non-existent. Consequently, balls were being dropped across the board. The term “ASAP” was part of every email, with otherwise dedicated team members being frustrated by not being able to manage expectations because they didn’t even know what the expectations were. The team was under constant pressure […]
Good communication is foundational to success – in families, in businesses, and in communities. Bad communication can be the recipe for disaster. One round of bad communication amongst family members or friends can damage relationships for years, decades, or even generations. The proverbial family feud can stem from one (often minor) miscommunication. Bad communication […]
A trip to urgent care, an ambulance ride, and a stay in the hospital reveal the healing power of DISC in action. On the front end of the spectrum, you will find the D-wired individuals who are quick to assess, decide, and take action. Firefighters, ambulance drivers, triage medics, and emergency room personnel fall […]
In any relationship or situation, business or personal, communication is a key factor. If your team communicates well, your chances of success are infinitely higher. How can you, as a leader, communicate effectively? Here are three important considerations. 1. Consider who will be impacted. This includes your leader, team, customers, partners, and possibly outside […]
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