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In a recent podcast, John Maxwell issued a profound statement. He said, “We overestimate the event and underestimate the process.” It is the difference between focusing on goals versus focusing on growth. In the podcast, he walks through his journey from accidental growth through team growth and the lessons learned at each level. As […]
There are cycles in a year where a certain type of energy prevails. Fall, for example, statistically brings the highest levels of productivity. Summertime is more a time of relaxed activity and creativity. As leaders, it behooves us to pay attention to the energy of ourselves and our people and to plan accordingly for […]
December 2019 now seems like eons ago. Little did anyone know that it would represent the end of an era and usher in a period of revolutionary change across the world that continues to this day. It was during December 2019 that John Maxwell recorded a podcast where he shared his seven-step Year in […]
It is that time of year when we find ourselves naturally looking in two directions: backwards and forwards. This is a healthy perspective. Think about where you were last year versus where you are this year. What have you accomplished toward the goals you set? Even if you have made minimal progress, celebrate […]
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