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In our workshops, we often use a beach ball to illustrate that what the audience sees from their side of the ball may be totally different than what the presenter sees on their side. As a leader, you have to be able to look at things from different angles, or perspectives. And to do […]
You have, no doubt, heard the phrase, “Born Leader.” In fact, if you are a D-wired personality, you may have heard it said often of you. While it is true that some personalities are more geared to lead than others, those who truly lead and change lives are those who, as John Maxwell says, […]
As a leader, you are a change activator. In your necessary quest to improve, grow, and strengthen an organization, you will frequently find the need for change. But what if your team is resistant to change? This is when you must become a change activator. How you do this comes not from edicts from […]
In a recent podcast episode, John Maxwell made a statement that will make you pause and think. In fact, it made him pause and think, even though he is the one who said it. That statement is… “Success is for everyone.” But as he goes on to explain what success really is, you will […]
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