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Strength Leader Blog

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Thirteen years ago, I began a journey that would lead me out of a very rewarding corporate career and into the relatively unknown world of business as an entrepreneur. At the time, I had no idea where it would lead, only that it was a journey I needed to take. As most entrepreneurs do in […]

Take the First Step

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  Good movies have patterns: heroes and villains; good and evil; obstacles and overcoming. Leaders often see the need to be the heroes in a story. Newsflash! If you’re a good leader, you know that you are truly not the hero in the story of your business or organization. You know that the true heroes […]

What is Your Leadership Story?


  You are an entrepreneur. You start a business. It’s your “baby,” and you wrap your arms around it to hold it together and protect it. Marketing – you do it all. Sales – you close the deals. Finances – you manage the books. Delivery – you create the product or service, and you ship […]

What is Your Business Time Zone?


  This series of “Lessons from Al” is dedicated to the life and legacy of one of the most influential mentors in my life, career, and management, Al Berg. We celebrated the $50 million year. We celebrated the $100 million year. We celebrated the first $1 million day. But Al never let us ride the […]

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