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Strength Leader Blog

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I’m guessing the title of this article got your attention.  Do I hear a collective, “Huh?”   The fact is, no one wants to follow an insecure leader.  Leaders are supposed to have (or know where to find) the answers.  Leaders are supposed to respond to the needs of their people, to provide a sense […]

Follow The Insecure Leader

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We have received phone calls, text messages, emails and social media shout out from so many of you throughout Hurricane Sandy and the aftermath.   While others have lost loved ones, homes, memorabilia, automobiles, we are merely inconvenienced without power and heat for a few days, which has now been restored and still without internet […]

Thank You!


  No matter our role we each have ample opportunity to communicate with people.  We get to talk about facts, figures, feelings, faith and more, but there is a big difference between talking and connecting.   Here is a typical scenario Jim and Judy (names changed to protect the non connecting) work in a fast […]

I’m Sorry We Have NO Connection


We all remember art class – some with fond memories, some with disdain.  Staring at a blank canvas generates either creativity or panic.  For some, it’s a chance for total free expression – these are the creators of abstract art.  For others, it’s a matter of precision and beauty – of getting just the right […]

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