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Strength Leader Blog

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The way people take action is very much innate to who they are. It is common to assume everyone takes action in a similar manner; but if you observe an organization closely, you will see many different methodologies working together. While these different styles of action can create a level of tension, it is a […]

Leadership in ACTION

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  Patterns are everywhere – in mathematics, music, art, fashion, language, technology, nature, science, mechanics, medicine, weather, time, traffic, and design. Layered in and weaved among these areas are perhaps the most interesting patterns of all – the patterns of human behavior. In all these areas, the pieces that make up the patterns – for […]

Four Ways to Create Harmony in the Workplace


  “I’m having trouble finding people who want to work.” “I’m finding them, but then they leave in a short time.” These are common laments in the typical business leaders’ circle. Recent years have changed the hiring and retention game considerably. They changed the fabric of society at its core. But when it comes to […]

How to Lower the Churn Rate in Business


  Great teachers are not always those who know the most. They are those who know how to communicate what they know best. Of course, if they are the most knowledgeable on a subject AND they have great communication skills, there are amazing results for those they teach. Why is this? It is because teaching […]

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