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Strength Leader Blog

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Life and business move fast these days. The argument can be made that time is a constant, but the perception is otherwise. This likely comes from the onslaught of information, tasks, marketing, communications, and commitments that have become the norm of our society. Unlike the constant pace of time, these things DO come faster and […]

How to Be Productive in a Distraction-Based Society

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I was recently tasked to speak to an audience of coaches known for their leadership focus. You would think that the overall audience appeal would be for a speaker who was very direct and candid – to speak in bullet points and talk about results – in order to effectively drive the message home. But […]

How to Know Your Audience When Speaking

Leadership In Action

For a recent client project, we are doing extensive strengths assessment around the topic of sales. “I am not a sales person!” you may be thinking. Think again. The fact is, we ALL sell on a daily basis. We sell products or services, and we sell ideas. If you communicate with anyone during the day, […]

Two Facets of a Sale

Leadership In Action

In a well-balanced workplace, there is diversity of strengths. There are D-wired individuals who are drivers. They move swiftly, speak directly and in short sentences, and often use action words. Their focus is on results. There are I-wired individuals who also move fast, but different from their D-wired counterparts, their focus is usually on fun, […]

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