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Strength Leader Blog

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You’re in the middle of a big project or looking for just the perfect gift. You’re just about to finish the project or make the purchase – and then it happens. The computer crashes, and you lose it all! Now I don’t know about you, but this does not make my day. You may say […]

5 Ways to Optimize

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Does it ever feel like there’s just not enough time to do all that must be done? You’re not alone. Who hasn’t uttered the proverbial, “Time flies,” at some point or another? Though each of us has the same amount of time in our day as our ancestors had, we who have the most time-saving […]

5 Ways Leaders Can Keep Pace


Do you remember the old fill-in-the-blank word games we used to play back in the day? We’d get a little book for just a few cents, and inside, it would have stories…only the stories were missing words. All we knew was that the words had to be nouns, verbs, or adjectives as indicated for each […]

Can You Define Your Purpose in One Sentence?


Here’s a very simple but important challenge for you. Pick up a pencil. Now ask yourself: Could you – by yourself – make a pencil? Sounds pretty easy, right? After all, it’s just a small piece of wood with some graphite and an eraser at the end. Well, we all know there’s a little more […]

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