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Strength Leader Blog

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  There are cycles in a year where a certain type of energy prevails. Fall, for example, statistically brings the highest levels of productivity. Summertime is more a time of relaxed activity and creativity. As leaders, it behooves us to pay attention to the energy of ourselves and our people and to plan accordingly for […]

How to Start the New Year with a New Mindset

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    It is that time of year when we find ourselves naturally looking in two directions: backwards and forwards. This is a healthy perspective. Think about where you were last year versus where you are this year. What have you accomplished toward the goals you set? Even if you have made minimal progress, celebrate […]

Looking Back and Moving Forward


  There are three words that somewhere along the way became abridged from the leadership dictionary. Those words are, “I don’t know.” In many organizations, it became the expectation that a leader should know what to do in any given situation, and that others would simply follow the person who “knows it all.” The days […]

Are You a “Know-it-all” Leader or an “I Don’t Know” Leader?


  In a recent John Maxwell Corporate Solutions podcast, they talked about Management by Walking Around (MBWA). It is essentially about the lost art of leaders walking slowly through the crowd and making meaningful connections, as John so often advises. In today’s society, in-person connections are more meaningful than ever. How can you make these […]

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