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Strength Leader Blog

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  As a leader, you are a change activator. In your necessary quest to improve, grow, and strengthen an organization, you will frequently find the need for change. But what if your team is resistant to change? This is when you must become a change activator. How you do this comes not from edicts from […]

Leaders as Change Activators

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  In a recent podcast episode, John Maxwell made a statement that will make you pause and think. In fact, it made him pause and think, even though he is the one who said it. That statement is… “Success is for everyone.” But as he goes on to explain what success really is, you will […]

Successful Leadership Means Taking Someone with You


  When it comes to leading people, there will be challenges. But those challenges often come because we don’t understand the other person. We don’t understand how they think and work or how they are motivated. And if they don’t think and work like we do, it can be frustrating. Applying our own methods of […]

The Big Five Keys for Dealing with Difficult People


  Think about the successes you have had in life. It is likely that two things occurred to get you there. One is that you had to do something hard or challenging first. And the second is that you didn’t give up. You went one more step. That’s what this podcast with my mentor, John […]

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