As Leadership expert John Maxwell Says “Anyone can steer the ship, but the leader charts the course.”
Leaders navigate both the company and even to some degree a group within their respective industry into uncharted waters. They look at the wake others are leaving and create a new wake that somehow seems hipper and cooler, one that leads to discoveries and a new destination.
If you are a great leader, cultivate several competent people to steer the ship. Then find a select few that you can mentor to charting great courses!
Couldn’t agree more, Deb! I think that we do need to chart the course and get the right people on board. Thnx for sharing.!
Thanks Elias.
By the way, Happy New Year friend!
Looking forward to 2012 with great enthusiasm as I’m sure you are too!
Couldn’t agree more, Deb! I think that we do need to chart the course and get the right people on board. Thnx for sharing.!
Thanks Elias! Happy New Year Friend~