
Spring Training

April 4, 2016

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I'm Deb- CEO, worldwide executive coach, mentor, consultant and speaker. I'm here to help you take your leadership and impact to the next level!

Meet Deb


There’s a lot of talk about teamwork these days. Why? Because it’s the beginning of baseball season, of course.

Baseball owners and managers invest a great deal of time and money in recruiting and hiring each player. They look for the best talent out there and aggressively compete against other franchises to build their “A” team. Each team manager knows the value of a good PLAYER.

But there’s something else they know, too.

They know the value of a good TEAM. You see, their job doesn’t end when the player has signed the contract. In fact, it has just begun.

It is the same with business as well. Yes, you need to invest in the best talent out there. And you must look for character beyond the talent. And then, once they have signed the contract, it is time to take those very talented and disciplined individuals and train them to work together as a team.

Sounds easy enough, right?

Well, I will say that the number one reason I am called on to serve companies is because something about that “team” part is just not working. You could have 100 great members but a very poor team.

How do you take “A” players and turn them into “A” teams? You do what the pros do…you train them.

Baseball season doesn’t start on opening day; it starts weeks before, with spring training.

What are the elements of spring training, and how can you, as a business leader, apply it to your business?

Team leaders arrange for the entire team to go away for an intensely focused time of training.

Getting everyone out of their element and into a different place is key. It creates focus. They are there for one reason: to train. Many leaders hesitate to pull employees away from their work in order to conduct training sessions with other team members. This seems logical, but tends to create silos of individuals, not collaborative teams.

Training is about teaching technique.

You have very talented individuals. A good leader will help those individuals hone their strengths to become even better after they are hired than they were before.

Training is a test of character.

Employees think they want an “easy” job; but studies have shown that the happiest employees are those who are challenged just beyond their comfort zone. This is not an invitation to overload your people, but to nudge them just beyond their normal range of skills so they can grow. Growing employees create growing companies.

Training is about individuals learning to work together as one team.

We speak often of the different personality typesDISC – and how each has different strengths and weaknesses. Creating a team means taking these individuals with their strengths and weaknesses and teaching them how to communicate and how to work together to get things done. The fact is, introverts and extroverts are both needed in the workplace…one to get things done, and one to get things done right.

Training is about assigning positions.

During training, coaches observe players. They determine which position best matches each player’s skills and talents. Having the right player in the right position creates a winning situation. Having a player in the wrong position can cost an entire game. As business leaders, you should know your people well. Observe them as they work, and then place them accordingly. Let them lead in their strengths.


If your team is in need of spring training, contact team development expert, Deb Ingino. She has the experience, the tools, and the passion to help you create your “A” team.

