
Leadership and the Little Things

October 15, 2024

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I'm Deb- CEO, worldwide executive coach, mentor, consultant and speaker. I'm here to help you take your leadership and impact to the next level!

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Leadership and the Little Things

Image Credit: Depositphotos

When it comes to strategy and planning, it is common for leaders to focus on “the next big thing”: the next initiative, project, or goal. These are exciting, and they are important. They are measurable benchmarks for success.

But the value of the little daily habits that support the big things can be underrated. Neglected, these can cause even the best laid plans to fall by the wayside.

John C. Maxwell says it well: “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.”

And so, there is merit to circling back on a regular basis to check in on the “little things”. This applies to personal leadership as well as to business. Both are predicated on the little things that build a solid foundation for life and business.

Here is an example. Consider a company so focused on growth that they start to let the “little things” of facilities maintenance slide.

“We need the funds for growth right now,” they say. And the board gives a cordial nod to the idea.

But they begin to lose focus on the little things and, soon, “maintenance” becomes “repair.” And, as we all know, repair comes with a higher cost.

Still, they maintain that when the growth comes, they will have more funds for repair.

And so, it continues…until the day the inspector arrives, closes the facility, and issues hefty fines. A neglected maintenance protocol has now become a very costly compliance issue.

And not only is the growth plan halted, so is basic production. Unable to deliver on contracts and cover debt payments, the company is now in dire financial straits.

This is the very high cost of neglecting the daily “little things.”

This happens in business, but it can also happen in life and relationships. Neglecting the little things becomes a “next big thing” you may not want.

Daily Habits and Tasks

Consider your life and business. What are the daily habits and “little things” that support you and your organization?

  • Attention to Health
  • Maintenance
  • Daily Processing
  • Finances
  • Reporting and Review
  • Administration
  • Legal Filings
  • Daily Marketing Activities
  • Consistent Customer Service
  • Regular Vendor Outreach
  • Daily Team Communication
  • Organization

And here’s the thing. As leaders, we can be so focused on the big things that we fail to realize the importance of giving ourselves and our teams the time to focus on these daily habits.

As you can see from the example, this oversight can be costly.

Daily Habits Review

Take some time to review your daily habits.

  • What supports you personally in each area of life? What needs attention?
  • What supports the business in each area? What is being neglected?
  • Does the load of each team member allow time for “the next big thing” and also the daily essentials?

In any position, there are both projects and habits, and each has value.

What are your projects?

And, yes, what are your habits?

To John’s point, what do you need to change or add as a daily task or habit? One small change can have an enormous cascading impact on your life, your leadership, and your organization.

Yes, think big. But also, don’t forget to think small as well.


For valuable resources on Leadership Strengths and Tools, click here.

Deb Ingino is a highly sought-after executive coach, mentor, consultant, and speaker worldwide. Deb is well versed in business operations and in the importance of asking key questions most business leaders won’t ask themselves. She brings deep experience in leadership development, strategy, high performance team building and effective communication. She has a passion for leading people to discover and maximize their strengths as well as those of fellow team members, while offering advanced strategies to achieve high performance. Deb is the perfect fit if you’re ready to take your leadership and impact to the next level!

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