Business Success

The Indirect Route to Success

October 24, 2013

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I'm Deb- CEO, worldwide executive coach, mentor, consultant and speaker. I'm here to help you take your leadership and impact to the next level!

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I guess you could title this article, “Why I am not a eulogy writer.” When I’m working with clients, one thing we do is brainstorm to create a long list of ideas for what they could do.


One of mine personally was “eulogy writer.” Well, there’s a definite need for that, but the reality is, it is not within my strengths zone. I hate to write! So while I COULD do it, and I would like the part about honoring someone; I would do one and be done. That would be about a two-day career for me.


The reality is that, in my business, where I’ve ended up is a long way from eulogy writing. And my journey, as direct as I am by nature, has been one of twists, turns, and detours. I started out with some ideas that were definitely not within my strengths, but each avenue along the way has brought me closer to my core.


This is how it works for most people. It is a journey. I would like to say that you can begin with an exact roadmap and take the super-highway straight to massive success. But it just doesn’t work that way – the road to success is wrought with some potholes, speed bumps, and road blocks.


Does that mean you should not start…or that once started, you should quit when the going gets rough? Not at all. What it does mean is that you need to begin. It is okay to try and fail. In fact, the process for success usually is try, fail, and tweak your way there.


I have learned as much from what didn’t work as I have from what did work. You learn who your ideal clients are by having to work with some who are not. You learn what work fits by having to do some things that do not fit. As you progress, you learn to avoid what drains you and go toward what energizes you. The closer you get to your strengths, the more energizing the work becomes.


If you haven’t started the journey, I urge you to start. Take small steps. Expect obstacles. Adjust course. Go deeper on your next attempt – closer to your core. What I have learned is that every obstacle brings a valuable lesson.


When you hit the wall of discouragement (and you will), give yourself a set time to think about it – what went right and what went wrong. Then when that time is up, get back on course, and go a little further. I call this the success stretch. You are going in the direction of your strengths…and stretching just beyond your comfort zone more and more each time.


I encourage you to listen to the podcast below. This one comes from my heart, and if you are wondering if you should continue or abandon ship, it will give you some practical guidelines to determine if you are on the right track.


“Success really is a decision – to do what the rest of world isn’t willing to do.”

Click here for the podcast.

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