
Bedrocks of Leadership

July 16, 2024

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I'm Deb- CEO, worldwide executive coach, mentor, consultant and speaker. I'm here to help you take your leadership and impact to the next level!

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Bedrocks of Leadership

Image Credit: Depositphotos

Trust and truth are bedrocks of leadership. Without these, there is no cohesive forward action.

How can you shore up these foundational tenets of leadership?

Define Values

First and foremost, they must come from within, and they start with having values. Values are those core principles that define who you are. Defining them in writing gives you a fulcrum from which to operate.

  • If you have a decision to make, ask, “Does this align with my values?”
  • If you have a goal to set, ask, “Does this align with my values?”
  • If you have an opportunity, ask, “Does this align with my values?”

One way to learn your values is to notice what annoys you, stresses you, or makes you uneasy. Look underneath those rocks, and you will likely find a core value that is being challenged.

Another way to learn your core values is to review the things that have been a source of constant stability and presence in your life.

And you can also look to the things in life that are your non-negotiables. For example, if family is a high value for you, your calendar should reflect intentional time with family. Otherwise, especially for business leaders, this one value can fall to the wayside when outside demands are high.

And when you find yourself taking swift action, what has been the prompting for it? This will also point to core values. If you find yourself doing everything you can to be on time for a meeting, for example, this may indicate that “respect for others” is a core value.

Set Priorities

It has been said that your calendar and checkbook reflect your priorities. Where do you spend your time and money? Does that align with your values?

It may be that some of the undue stress leaders encounter stems from using time and money in a way that is out of alignment with values.

The solution for this is to prioritize. Are you spending your time and money on the things that are truly your highest priorities?

Adjust Course

As any ship captain knows, you don’t just set a course and magically end up at your destination. You must be vigilant and adjust course incrementally as you go. Otherwise, the wind and seas will divert you away from your intended destination.

Leadership on land is similar, too. The winds of change occur day by day and, sometimes, hour by hour and even minute by minute. If you are not vigilant to maintain your course, you can end up with unreached goals and compromised values.

In a world of change, adjust. But adjust within the course of your values and priorities.

Be Consistent

Perhaps you have been on a team in the past where the leader was everything but consistent. One day, they were up; and the next day, they were down. They created a goal and a plan one day, only to change it completely the next. The team would start on an initiative, only to have the momentum interrupted by the next big experiment.

The result?

Confusion, chaos, frustration, and resentment.

Ideas are great and necessary. But not every idea requires immediate action. As a leader, especially if you are innovative, find a way to capture your ideas; but be sure your team knows which are actionable (and when) and which are simply ideas. Otherwise, your team, because they want to do their job well, will try to implement all the ideas and end up overwhelmed and defeated.

In today’s world, you must be innovative and flexible, but you must always have an underlying consistency in how you operate. Be strategic in how you implement new ideas, and be consistent in your decisions and actions.

The Result: Trust

These four straightforward actions build trust across your team.

Your team will know that the decisions you make are in alignment with your values. Whether or not they share the same values, they will respect that you are genuine in this regard.

If you are true to your values, set priorities, stay on course, and communicate change well, your team will be ready for forward, cohesive action.

But first, you must establish the bedrocks of truth and trust.

Action Steps

  1. Define your values. Reflect on what is important to you and what gives you stability or causes you stress, and find the underlying values. Write them down.
  2. Set Priorities. What are your current 1-5 priorities for yourself and for your organization? Are they in alignment with your values? Have you communicated them well to your team?
  3. Adjust Course. Through the course of a quarter, things will inevitably get off-course. Pause and reflect. What needs to be adjusted to get back on course?
  4. Be Consistent. What actions do you take regularly to keep your physical and mental health at optimal levels? What routines and actions keep you and your team on track and well-supported? Are you consistent in your communications?

For valuable resources on Leadership and Communications, click here.

Deb Ingino is a highly sought-after executive coach, mentor, consultant, and speaker worldwide. Deb is well versed in business operations and in the importance of asking key questions most business leaders won’t ask themselves. She brings deep experience in leadership development, strategy, high performance team building and effective communication. She has a passion for leading people to discover and maximize their strengths as well as those of fellow team members, while offering advanced strategies to achieve high performance. Deb is the perfect fit if you’re ready to take your leadership and impact to the next level!
