
Full-strength Teams

March 11, 2020

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I'm Deb- CEO, worldwide executive coach, mentor, consultant and speaker. I'm here to help you take your leadership and impact to the next level!

Meet Deb

Full-strength Teams

Image Credit: Shutterstock


Communications were, at best, unclear. Often, they were non-existent. Consequently, balls were being dropped across the board.

The term “ASAP” was part of every email, with otherwise dedicated team members being frustrated by not being able to manage expectations because they didn’t even know what the expectations were.

The team was under constant pressure and increasingly frustrated. As a unit, it grew weaker by the day.

Customers were starting to experience a lower quality of service.

What was the culprit?

A misfit leader.

Unfortunately, in this all-to-common scenario, the misfit leader will begin to release members of the team.

“They just aren’t measuring up to the work.”

“They show no initiative.”

“They are not cooperating.”

This only exacerbates the problem, as the remaining team members will become even more stressed and over-burdened, all while wondering if they will be the next to go.

The real culprit is often not the team, but the leader of the team. More precisely, it is the leader who is in a position that doesn’t fit.

A misfit leader is one who is in a position that is, frankly, out of their league. This does not mean that he or she is not a good person or that they are not capable of accomplishing a great deal. It does mean that the role to which they have been appointed or assigned – or perhaps have chosen – is not a good fit.

When you are a misfit leader, you will be affected. Your team will be affected. Customers will be affected. And, ultimately, the organization will be affected.

You may retain the position, but your influence will suffer.

What is the cure?

1. Get to the root cause.

Once you get to the root cause of the issue, you can begin to create the cure. In this case, the root cause was a misalignment of strengths, especially on the part of the leader.

2. Assess your strengths.

Each person comes equipped with a unique set of strengths, skills, and life experiences. Not everyone realizes what their strengths are, but if you see a highly effective leader, you will see a person who is utilizing his or her natural strengths. There are tools you can use to help determine, with great precision, your best strengths.

3. Put your strengths to work.

The application of your innate strengths has the power to change your life and business in ways you may not imagine possible. Not only does working in your strengths zone maximize your success; it also minimizes stress. Thus, you can not only become a confident leader; you can become a very contented one as well.

4. Build a strengths-based team.

Would you like to compound that success? Help your team find and utilize their strengths as well. Once you have found your fit, help them find theirs. A team where each member is operating at full strength is a virtually unstoppable force.

And it starts with you, the leader.

Are you working in your strengths zone?

Is each member of your team operating in theirs?

For more resources on how you can create a highly effective, strengths-based team, click here to learn about the Maxwell Method of Communications Impact Report.

As the CEO of Strength Leader Development, Deb Ingino is a highly sought-after international executive mentor, coach, trainer and speaker. Deb is well versed in global business operations and helps business leaders and their teams to discover and leverage their strengths, so they can create highly collaborative teams that deliver great results. With a refreshingly direct style, Deb helps leaders and their teams to deliver profitable results. Connect with Deb to learn more about her mentorship and coaching programs to equip you with advanced strategies to elevate your results.
