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Hallmarks of Responsible Leadership 

I was inspired this week by the story of a teenager who set out to walk 10 miles – in the snow – to a job interview. I guess I wasn’t the only one who was inspired because the story made national news. This just proves that responsibility is so rare, it is newsworthy.
So what are the hallmarks of a responsible leader?  I would say if you held these traits up against this young man’s actions, he might just pass the RESPONSIBLE test.  How about you?
Steady in Crisis
Owns the Issues
No Excuses
Seeks Answers
Initiates Action
Enables Others
Join me and my co-host Michael Charles
on Monday night as we talk about this (apparently) rare and newsworthy quality.

We’ve started the Inner Circle Series
Leadership Gold
There is still time to join the Inner Circle!
We can help you make it happen!

Here Are A Few Of Our Inner Circle Mentoring Topics:

>    The Key Leadership Ingredient – If It’s Lonely At The Top You’re Not Doing Something Right.

>  Leading Your Most Difficult Follower…YOU

>  How To Rise To The Occasion of Defining Moments (I wish Lance Armstrong would be in this one!)

>  How To Handle Criticism

>  The Best Leaders Are Listeners, Here Is How To Do It Right

>  How To Move Into Your Strengths Zone And Stay 

>  How To Maintain Your Focus For Results

>  What To Do When You’ve Made A BIG Mistake

Click Here For

Inner Circle Mentoring Details

Join Our Upcoming Webcasts

Personal Responsibility in Leadership

March 4th

9:30pm ET

Special Guest:

Michael Charles


Keys to Effective Communication

March 11th

9:30pm ET

Leading Across Cultures

March 18th

9:30pm ET


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 Inner Circle Mentoring

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Do You know your Strengths?

Our Strengths Report is an online assessment where you receive immediate results with over 20 pages all about YOU and YOUR STRENGTHS, your MOTIVATION, your IDEAL ENVIRONMENT and more.  (Read More)

When the vision is clear, decisions are easy. 


Check For Yourself
5 Keys To See If You Are Leadership Material:

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