Courage – Newsletter 1/24/2013


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Cowardly Lion: All right, I’ll go in there for Dorothy. Wicked Witch or no Wicked Witch, guards or no guards, I’ll tear them apart. I may not come out alive, but I’m going in there. There’s only one thing I want you fellows to do. 

Tin Woodsman, Scarecrow: What’s that? 

Cowardly Lion: Talk me out of it!
We all remember the Cowardly Lion. The fact is, sometimes we are just like him. We want to have courage, we want to conquer all evils, but we lack the courage to act. And so we hope folks talk us out of it.
Have you ever wanted to do something big? Seize a huge opportunity? Reach for the almost impossible goal?  And then someone talked you out of it? Really, they didn’t. Lack of courage actually talked you out of it.
Real courage is a fireman who goes toward the danger in order to save others. Real courage is the executive who makes the hard decision to do what’s right despite the pressure to do otherwise. Real courage is digging deep within yourself, finding who you are, and stepping out to finally do it. It’s pushing through the fear. 
Sometimes you just know…
it’s time to act on the courage that lies within you.

We’ve started the Inner Circle Series
Leadership Gold
There is still time to join the Inner Circle!
Go ahead, do something courageous!

Here Are A Few Of Our Inner Circle Mentoring Topics:

>    The Key Leadership Ingredient – If It’s Lonely At The Top You’re Not Doing Something Right.

>  Leading Your Most Difficult Follower…YOU

>  How To Rise To The Occasion of Defining Moments (I wish Lance Armstrong would be in this one!)

>  How To Handle Criticism

>  The Best Leaders Are Listeners, Here Is How To Do It Right

>  How To Move Into Your Strengths Zone And Stay 

>  How To Maintain Your Focus For Results

>  What To Do When You’ve Made A BIG Mistake

Click Here For

Inner Cirlcle Mentoring Details


Join Our Upcoming Webcasts

Get Courageous

January 28 – 9:30pm ET


How to Make Things Happen

February 4th 9:30pm ET

Special Guest:

Antoinette Griffin

The Winning Time and Energy Formula

February 11th 9:30pm ET


Jumpstart Your Growth

 Inner Circle Mentoring

Jumpstart your growth by joining our Inner Circle Mentoring.  Receive weekly live Leadership Lessons PLUS a Group Coaching/Mentoring call where you ask questions specific to your business or career.  (Read More)

Got Strengths?

Do You know your Strengths? Our Strengths Report is an online assessment where you receive immediate results with over 20 pages all about YOU and YOUR STRENGTHS, your MOTIVATION, your IDEAL ENVIRONMENT and more.  (Read More)

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If you can’t fly, run. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. But by all means, keep moving. –

Martin Luther King, Jr.


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