
Leaders Bring Out Their BEST

May 16, 2012

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I'm Deb- CEO, worldwide executive coach, mentor, consultant and speaker. I'm here to help you take your leadership and impact to the next level!

Meet Deb

Real leaders do two things consistently.  They grow themselves and they enlarge those around them.

For many leaders working with a team creates frustration and disappointment, sometimes because of a team member but often times it is because the leader did not bring out the best in their team.

In a recent Leadership Insight webcast we identified the keys to bringing out the very best in their team.


B – Believe in them.  when the leader tells an individual that they believe in them and ‘why’ they believe in them, pointing out the competencies that team member possess and why it is highly valued to that team is foundational. Saying  “Jim your analytical skill and critical thinking is a major contributing factor to the success of this team” is different than saying “Jim glad you’re part of this team.”


E – Encourage them.  Leave your pom poms at home but bring your encouragement to them, especially when they are struggling or at a critical part of the project.


S – Share with them.  Help them to learn new strategies and tactics.  Share with them best practices. Help them to apply new knowledge to help sharpen their existing strengths even further.


T – Trust them.  Gulp.  That’s right I said “trust.”  The 5 letter word that often times is viewed as a four letter one.  Trusting well placed members of our team to do the very thing we brought them in to tackle seems fundamental right?  Unfortunately we have to admit that at times we don’t do this well.  We hold back, have our finger still in the pot and then wonder why the temperature is off.  Real leaders put well found trust in those that they place on their team and that is the secret to exponential growth for many of established and emerging leaders today.


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What  is your next step to to bring out the best in your team?





