5 Keys To Making Things Happen – Newsletter 1/31/13


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How to Make Things Happen

Have you ever looked at someone and thought to yourself, “How is it that they have accomplished so much in life, while I have accomplished so little?” How is it that some folks make things happen while others stand by and wonder what happened?  
We’ll be talking about that on Monday, February 4 on the Leadership Insight Webcast. Join us for this one, for sure, because it addresses issues I encounter with clients frequently. Really, it’s why they come to me for help in the first place.
In preparation for that call, here’s a little homework.
Write down three things (writing them down is key):
1.What do you want to happen and why?  
This is a statement of the obvious, but the reality is, a lot of folks have not really addressed this question. Fear, insecurity, and doubt make us naturally turn off possibilities – almost as a protection mechanism. So…take some time before Monday and give yourself permission to really get a handle on the vision. Don’t talk yourself out of it, just write it down. 
2.What would it take to make that happen? 
3.Now for the easy part – What excuses are you thinking of right now for why you can’t possibly do this?
Have this list in hand for the call on Monday.
Here’s an example:
1.I want to make $100,000 within the next year in my business so I can pay off my debt and provide more security for my family.
2.I would have to serve _____ clients at $_______ each.  Or sell _____ widgets at $_____ each.  I could speak to groups or teach at a local community college. I would also need to cut back on expenses. A budget and getting the family onboard would help.
3.I’m not good at marketing – I have no idea where to find more clients. I am not a good speaker. I don’t have time. (You get the idea.)
So how do you make things happen?  
You start here…by writing down your answers
and showing up for the call.  
We look forward to talking with you then!

We’ve started the Inner Circle Series
Leadership Gold
There is still time to join the Inner Circle!
We can help you make it happen!

Here Are A Few Of Our Inner Circle Mentoring Topics:

>    The Key Leadership Ingredient – If It’s Lonely At The Top You’re Not Doing Something Right.

>  Leading Your Most Difficult Follower…YOU

>  How To Rise To The Occasion of Defining Moments (I wish Lance Armstrong would be in this one!)

>  How To Handle Criticism

>  The Best Leaders Are Listeners, Here Is How To Do It Right

>  How To Move Into Your Strengths Zone And Stay 

>  How To Maintain Your Focus For Results

>  What To Do When You’ve Made A BIG Mistake

Click Here For

Inner Cirlcle Mentoring Details

Join Our Upcoming Webcasts

How to Make Things Happen

February 4 – 9:30pm ET

Special Guest:

Antoinette Griffin


The Winning Time and Energy Formula

February 11th

9:30pm ET

Become a Problem Solver

February 18th

9:30pm ET


Jumpstart Your Growth

 Inner Circle Mentoring

Jumpstart your growth by joining our Inner Circle Mentoring.  

Receive weekly live Leadership Lessons PLUS a Group Coaching/Mentoring call where you have an opportunity to ask questions specific to your business or career.

 (Read More)


Do You know your Strengths?

Our Strengths Report is an online assessment where you receive immediate results with over 20 pages all about YOU and YOUR STRENGTHS, your MOTIVATION, your IDEAL ENVIRONMENT and more.  (Read More)

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When the vision is clear, decisions are easy. 


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