Put Your DREAM
To The Test
Six Week Online Mastermind Group
Led by Deb Ingino
Mondays at 9:00 pm ET
November 7 – December 12, 2011
November 7 is an introductory call – and it’s FREE! Your spouse can join you in this course for FREE, to be sure you’re both on the same page with your idea and its viability.
Your dream has power.
It can inspire you.
It can empower you.
But will it reward you?
Most people fail to realize their potential because their dream remains hypothetical.
Put Your Dream to the Test helps you discover if your idea or dream is just ethereal or achievable. Learn how to crystallize your vision and galvanize your commitment.
Each week, using a mastermind approach, we will help you to answer questions surrounding YOUR idea, YOUR dream, and see if it is viable for launch.
How it Works
Once you register, you will receive a web page link to listen in AND the dial in number if you prefer to join us by phone.
- Webcast will be visible online.
- Each week you’ll receive the worksheets for the all
- You can ask questions or make comments by web or via phone, using a local dial-in number.
- Besides the great content, this is a Group Coaching Call, so you can ask questions specific to YOUR ministry or business idea.
Building a business impacts the family so your spouse can even join you for FREE.
At the end of the six weeks, not only will you know if your idea is viable, you’ll also have resources made available to you to help launch it. You’ll end the confusion about whether or not it is the right idea for you. You will know with certainty.
And if it is right for you, you can launch before the year is out!
Make 2012 your year to make it happen.
Led By Deb Ingino
- Experienced coach endorsed by Dan Miller
- Professor at Free Agent Academy
- Founding Partner with John C. Maxwell Coaching and Speaking Team
- Deb coaches hundreds of people each year on how to find their sweet spot and launch. Deb is the founder of www.mywiredstyle.com and www.strengthleader.com.
Stop wondering if your idea is viable, put it to the test!
The first 10 to register will receive a 30 minute Individual Coaching Call with Deb
Value $499
Listen in to the PREVIEW CALL Below….