Put Your Dreams To The Test Online Mastermind

Everyone has or once had a dream.

Some have realized their dream, some are working towards their dream and others have given up frustrated and defeated.

 I wouldn’t want to stay there and I don’t want you to either.

 This mastermind is about you. Your goal, your idea, your dream.  Together we’ll help you to realistically answer the 10 Questions to help you to:

Put Your Dream To The Test

This will be held on 5 consecutive Tuesday nights beginning april 17th at 8pm est.  It will be an online, interactive  group coaching environment led by Deb Ingino.  We will help you to answer these 10 questions about Your Dream.

1 – The Ownership Question – Is your dream really your dream or does it belong to someone else?
2 – The Clarity Question – A clear dream makes a general idea specific enough for action.
3 – The Reality Question – Match your strengths to your dream.
4 – The Passion Question – Passion pulls us up, enabling us to overcome adversity.
5 – The Pathway Question – Developing your pathway to your dream enables you to reach your potential.
6 – The People Question –  Developing the right team for your dream.
7 – The Cost Question – Dreams are free but the journey is not.  What will your dream cost?
8 – The Tenacity Question – To move closer to your dream, recognize that quitting is more about who you are than where you are.
9 – The Fulfillment Question – Fulfilled people realize the difference between a dream and its realization.
10 – The Significance Question – Will my dream be significant.

To maximize our time together, there is a limited number of seats.  Each week we will provide you with the materials you need each week and the weekly dial in information.  This is a fully facilitated mastermind centered around you, so be sure to bring your feedback and questions to each call.

The price is $149 but the value is priceless!  Click Here To Register