Online Coaching

Life today is busy.
Here Are 2 OPTIONS You Can Engage In The Coaching Process . . .

OPTION 1: Online Workshop & TWO 90 minute Coaching Calls


Discover My Best Focus 6-Week Online Mastermind

> Discover YOUR strengths
> Identify the type of work that truly gives you satisfaction
> Find the activities where time just flies
> Identify the business or career that you are passionate about
> Create your action plan to make it happen


Course and Material Outline

Two 90-Minute Online Mastermind Interactive Sessions
Led by Deb Ingino

> DISC Wired Style Online Assessment Report
> Your Wiring In Business E-Book
> 6 video lessons and all work materials

At the end of six weeks of your full participation you will have a roadmap to get from where you are now, to where you want to be! It is full of action packed content!

Class size is limited, so register today!

OPTION 2: Self Study Course – All of the same materials without the coaching calls

Discover My Best FOCUS.

Self Paced Course

> Discover YOUR strengths
> Identify the type of work that truly gives you satisfaction
> Find the activities where time just flies
> Identify the business or career that you are passionate about
> Create your action plan to make it happen