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Strength Leader Blog

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You likely have heard of, or have participated in, one of those teamwork exercises, where each table of participants is handed the same exact set of instructions and resources for building a structure. Inevitably, this exercise yields 8 or 10 variations of “buildings,” all from the exact same set of instructions! Why does this happen? […]

The Communication Filter

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  This is the time of year when leaders are naturally in the mindset of reflection on the past year and anticipation of the next. Finishing the current year’s initiatives and goal setting for the coming year are top of mind for most business leaders. It’s also the time when vision should be revisited, first […]

The Heart and Mind of Vision


“Negative emotions can be and will be the loudest communication in any room, on any team.” This is a powerful and true statement from a recent Maxwell Executive Leadership podcast. You have seen it happen, and you know how one negative team member can affect the entire team. Even if they don’t say a word, […]

How to Deal with a Negative Team Member


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